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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Mar 5-7, 1793

Remarks &c Moored in Port Royal Harbour.

March 1793

Tuesday 5th. First part moderate breezes and fair weather middle part Calm. At ¼ past 3 in steering sails. Half past abreast of Smith and Gun Quays – 10 fathoms water. At 3 Hour.45 Minutes brought up with the Best Bower, in Port Royal. Furled sails – Out Boats, and run out a Kedge to warp further in shore. Weighed the Best Bower, and let it go again in 8½ fathoms, muddy bottom – Veered to ½ a Cable and moored with the Stream Anchor SE & NW. Fort Augusta N19°W, Gallows point N58°E distant 1 mile; Port Royal point S10°W ¾ mile off. Unbent the steering sails and Royals. – AM Caulkers employed from the Yard, and seamen in the Main Hold. Sailmakers employed. Returned the 2 broken Bower Anchors to the Yard. Received and served 215 pounds of fresh Beef. – Found lying here H. M. Ships Europa, Proserpine, Penelope & Hyana; the Fly, sloop of war, Assistant, Brig, & Advice, Cutter.

Wednesday 6th. Moderate breezes and fair weather these 24 hours. PM employed stowing in the Main Hold. AM employed in the After Hold. Caulkers & Carpenters Crew, caulking the sides. Served fresh Beef to the ships company. Sent necessary articles on shore at the Pallisadoes to erect a Tent for drying our Powder

Thursday 7th. First moderate breezes and fine weather middle part light, and latter part fresh breezes. AM employed stowing the Main and After Holds. Caulkers and Joiners employed on board the Cutter shifting the Bulkhead of the Cabin further Aft. received 207 pounds of fresh Beef, and a turn of water. Sent some Powder on shore to the Tent (about half of what was on board)

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