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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Feb 21-25, 1793

Remarks &c Moored in Port Morant.

February 1793

Thursday 21st Moderate breezes and fine weather all these 24 hours Sailmakers repairing the Mizen Top Sail. Unbent the Mainsail and Jibb. Sent 35 Breadfruit Plants on shore, and 77 pots of various kinds; also 99 empty pots. AM sent a party to haul the Seine who caught very few fish. Seamen employed overhauling the Mizen rigging – lifted the shrouds. Sailmakers on the Main Top Sail.

Friday 22nd Moderate breezes and fair weather PM. rigged and swayed up the Mizen Top Mast. – AM People employed washing and mending their Clothes. Bent the Main Top Sail. Sailmakers about the Jibb

Saturday 23rd Moderate breezes and fine weather with showers at times PM Employed about the rigging. AM sent a large party on shore to cut wood. Sailmakers employed repairing old sails – Washed below and aired with fires. Confined Richard Upsdale & Richard Franklin for Theft when on shore wooding

Sunday 24th First and middle parts moderate breezes and fair weather At 4 PM a heavy squall with rain. Latter part moderate breezes and fine weather – Anchored here a Brig from America. received a load of wood per Launch. Sailmakers employed as before. AM received a turn of water per Launch Hauled the seine and caught about 40 pounds of fish – Loosed sails to dry.

Monday 25th Moderate breezes with showers at times. PM furled sails. A party on shore wooding. AM stowed the Fish and Spirit rooms afresh. Sent a party on shore to cut wood. Unbent the Main Top Mast, middle and Top Gallant staysails to repair – Cleaned below

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