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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Feb 17-20, 1793

Remarks &c Moored in Port Morant.

February 1793

Sunday 17th First part moderate breezes and fair weather middle part cloudy with squalls – latter part moderate breezes and fine weather PM. employed working further into the Bay. At 6.30 let go the Best Bower in ¼ less 7 fathoms muddy bottom. Veered away to ½ a Cable and moored with the stream Anchor to the NW in 4 fathom water. Fishermans By point SSW distant 1 mile. Bowden Hill from N26°E to N50°E off the nearest shore about ½ a mile. Tableton Fort S43°E, western part of Wilson's Key S13°E, 1 mile. AM received water per Launch. Washed the Gun, Orlop and Cockpit Decks. Opened a Cask of Provisions. Unbent Mizen Top Sail to repair

Monday 18th First part moderate breezes and fair weather middle and latter parts fresh breezes and cloudy with showers of rain. Sent a party to haul the Seine, with bad success – Up Top Gallant Yards at 8. Cleaned below. Served Borecole and Portable soup thickened with Oatmeal for Dinner – the usual breakfast to day
   Latitude Observed 17°·53′ North

Tuesday 19th First and middle parts fresh breezes and cloudy with showers of rain – latter part moderate breezes and fair. PM, loosed sails to dry – Furled sails. AM, sent 70 Breadfruit Plants, and 39 of various sorts, with 36 empty pots on shore for the Botanical Garden at Bath. Sent a party to haul the Seine, who met with but indifferent success Served the usual Breakfast of thick Portable Soup Gruel.

Wednesday 20th Moderate breezes and fair weather all these 24 hours. Loosed sails to dry – At 6 furled sails. AM scrubbed Hammocks. Up all Chests and Bags and washed the Decks. Struck the Mizen Top Mast to repair ye shrouds gone. received water. Blacked the chain plates. John Smith & David Mowett deserted. Breakfasted as usual.
   Latitude Observed 17°·52′·30″ North

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