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Revised Sep 4 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Feb 5, 1793

Remarks &c Tuesday 5th February 1793

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fine weather with thick haze on the land. At 2 extremes of Jamaica in sight N68°W to S70°W off shore 5 or 6 leagues – At 3 Hour.30′ in Steering sails. Saw a Pilot boat, and 2 sail on a wind.

 4 pm: At 4 Port Morant and NE point of Jamaica in one N39°W Southern land in sight S84W off shore 5 or 6 miles. At 4 Hour.45 Minutes hove to off rocky point and secured a black Pilot who took charge of the ship. Fore away for two ships to leeward. At 5 Hour.30′ spoke HM Ships Proserpine & Hound; out whale boat, and Captain Bligh went on board the former. In 2nd reef Top Sails.

 5 pm: At sunset Point Morant N44°E & Yelhas Point West, off shore 4 miles. At ½ past 6 our Commander returned; in boat and bore away

 8 pm: At 8 Hour.30 Minutes hove to, head to the SE. Yelhas point bearoing NW – At 12 wore ship, Helhas point bore NNW½W. At 3 bore aweay – ½ point hove to on the Larboard Tack.

 5 am: At 5 bore away. Land from WbN to ENE, off shore 3 or 4 leagues. At day light the white Horses NbE off shore 3 leagues.

 7 am: At 7 light winds from the land, hove to for the sea breeze; out boats. At 8 Rock Fort N4°E 4 or 5 miles. Yelhas point N85°E. Cow bay point East. Fort Royal N85°W 3 leagues.

 8 am: At 8 Hour.50 Minutes bore away with the sea breeses.

10 am: At 10 light baffling winds sent the Boats a head to tow. At 10 Hour.45 Smith & Gun Keys NNE and SSW distant from each other about ¼ mile – 15 fathom water. Spoke the Marlborough Sloop 38 days from London. Saluted Commodore Ford's flag with only 13 Guns, which was returned with an equal number. At 10 Hour.50 Minutes hauled round Port Royal point. At 11 brought up with the Best Bower in 9 fathom water muddy bottom, and veered to ½ Cable service. Port Royal point bearing SbE ¾ of a mile. Hillshire point S33°W. Fort Small S45W. Twelve Apostles WbS½S – Fort August NbW½W. Gallows Point N45°East 1 mile. Kingston Church N52E. Found lying here His Majesty's Ships Europa & Penelope

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