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Revised Sep 4 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Dec 27, 1792

Remarks &c from St. Helena to St. Vincents, 27 December 1792

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fine weather received a live Bullock. Hoisted in the launch – Discharged John Burden, seaman, sick, Thomas Mathers absent without leave.

 6 pm: At 6 unmoored and hove in to ⅔ of a cable on the best bower. Stowed the sheet anchor; up Top Gallant Yards; in boats, and employed getting ready for sea.

11 pm: At 11 Hour.30 Minutes weighed under single reef Top Sails. Saluted (after dark and under weigh) by the Fort with 13 guns – returned an equal number.

12 mid: At 12 Hour:15 Minutes bore away; out reefs & set starboard steering sails, St. James's Valley bearing SSE, distant 2 miles. Cloudy weather confined John Letbie quarter master for neglect of duty.

 5 am: At 5 AM. extremes of the Island from SbE to SE½S – dark cloudy weather with light showers of rain. Saw many flying fish, and a St. Helena Pidgeon

 6 am: Cleaned below, and aired with fires. Stowed the anchors and unbent the cables – Bent the spanker and unbent the Mizen. Supplyed the Assistant with 72 pounds of fresh beef, and served the same article to the ships company. Punished John Curry, seaman, for insolence to his superior, and neglect of duty, and John Letbie quarter master for insolencfe, with 8 lashes also

12 noon: Moderate breezes and cloudy weather Assistant in company
   Latitude Observed 15°·07′ South.

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