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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Oct 25, 1792

Remarks &c from Timor towards St. Helena 25th October 1792

 1 pm: Fresh gales and cloudy weather – saw Sheerwaters

 5 pm: Worked the Pumps as usual

 7 pm: In Fore Top Mast steering sail.

 9 pm: Fresh breezes and cloudy weather set Fore Top Mast steering sail

11 pm: Got up Top Gallant Yards and set ye Main Top Gallant sail

 4 am: Squally with rain, in Fore Top Mast Steering sail.

 6 am: More settled, out 2nd reef Mizen Top Sail. Set Fore & Fore Top Mast steering sails, & Fore Top Gallant Sail

 8 am: Served for Breakfast at 8 O'Clock as usual, Thick Portable Soup Gruel

 9 am: Fresh breezes and cloudy. Saw Sheerwaters, Flying fish, Man of War bird, and Tropic birds. Cleaned below and aired with fires. Served Krout Stowed the Cutter away in the Launch – Carpenters employed caulking the water ways on the Main Deck – Aired the small Sails

12 noon: At 12 a fresh gale and squally with a few drops of rain – Assistant in company.
   Latitude Observed 15°·23′·26″ South

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