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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Oct 24, 1792

Remarks &c Wednesday 24th October 1792

 1 pm: Strong gales and thick cloudy weather with squalls and spitting rain

 3 pm: In 3rd. reef Fore Top Sail and down Top Gallant Yards – Saw a Tropic bird and many Sheerwaters.

 5 pm: Strong gales and a high sea. Struck Top Gallant Masts and hoisted the whale boat from the skids on the Main Deck. In 1st reef Fore sail, and close reefed ye Main Top Sail.

 7 pm: Worked the Pumps as usual.

 8 pm: At 8 hand the Mizen Top sail

12 mid: Dark squally weather with light rain at times.

 5 am: Out 1st reef Foresail and 1 & 2 Fore & Main Top Sails. Swayed up Top Gallant Masts

 7 am: Served the usual Breakfast

 8 am: Cleaned below and aired with fires. Served Sour Krout and Portable Soup in the Pese for Dinner. Some people with Convalescents picking Oakum.

11 am: More Moderate set the Fore Topmast steering sail

12 noon: Fresh gale and dark cloudy weather Assistant in company
   Latitude Observed 14°:34′:26″ [South]

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