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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Oct 22, 1792

Remarks &c Monday 22nd October 1792

 1 pm: Fresh gales and thick cloudy weather

 4 pm: Dark cloudy weather threatning wind & rain

 7 pm: Worked the Pumps as usual.

 8 pm: In steering sails, Top Gallant sails and 2nd reef Top Sails – Thick weather with light showers of rain. In 3rd reefs Fore & Main Top Sails

12 mid: Squally with small rain at times

 4 am: At 4 fresh gales and dark gloomy weather – at day light out 3rd reef and set Top Gallant Sails – Saw brown and Gannet Boobies, Flying-fish Sheerwaters, a small bird of white Gull and a Man of War bird

 6 am: At 6 out 2nd reef and set Fore Top Mast steering sail.

 8 am: Served the usual Breakfast – A spar covered with Barnacles passed by the Ship – Unbent the Cables & stowed the Anchors – Sailmakers repairing the best Main Top Sail. Carpenters caulkingt the waterways on the Main Deck. Served Vinegar it being Monday and Portable Soup thickiened with Oatmeal in the Bore Cole soup, for Dinner.

12 noon: Fresh gales and gloomy weather – Assistant in company
   No Observation

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