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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Sep 27, 1792

Remarks &c Thursday 27th September 1792

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fine weather Employed in the Hold and about the Cables.

 4 pm: Saw Gannet Boobies

 5 pm: Worked the Pumps as usual – Lieutenant Portlock returned to the Assistant – in whale boat

 7 pm: Shortened sail and in 1st reef Top Sails
Sounded as per column – Fine weather

10 pm: Caught a Boobie

 1 am: Ditto Weather

 5 am: Made all sail

 7 am: Served thick Portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast – Saw a bird of the simple kind, and a Tropic bird.

 9 am: Moderate breezes and fine weather – Employed worming the Best Bower Cable where rubbed; filling salt water, and getting fresh to hand.

11 am: Measured the Log, and Deep Sea Line – Saw Flying fish

12 noon: Fresh breezes and fair weather The Assistant leading
   Latitude Observed 10°:07′ South

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