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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Sep 19, 1792

Remarks &c Providence Streights Wednesday 19th September 1792

 1 pm: Strong gales and thick weather with small rain; the whale boat about 1½ miles to leeward at her grapnel, the Cutter returned on board – People employed about the Cables and lashing spars and fixing Buoys to the broken Arms of the Bower Anchors. At 4 the whale boat returned having sounded 3 miles distant in the WNW carrying 6 and 7 fathoms water, good ground. Got the steering sail Booms &c. off the Yards.

 6 pm: Strong squalls and thick weather – in Boats

 8 pm: Hard Gales and cloudy. Struck lower Yards & veered away to the whole Cable service – Made the signal for the Assistant to strike lower Yards.

12 mid: Ship rode easy, and smooth water.

 4 am: Hove in to ½ Cable service. Up Lower Yards and Top Gallant Masts. – More Moderate hoisted out the Whale boat. At ¾ past 5 the Assistant weighed the whale boat leading – Out Cutter.

 7 am: At 7 Hour.20 Minutes Assistant made ye signal to follow without Danger – at 7 Hour 45 Minutes weighed.

 8 am: Moderate breezes with thick weather

 9 am: Dark cloudy weather up Top Gallant Yards and set Main Top Gallant Sail.

10 am: Fair Weather. Served the usual Breakfast; and Portable Soup & Krout in ye Pease for Dinner

12 noon: Fresh breezes and fair weather with haze, no Land or Dangers in sight. Joy gladdened every countenance, for we now expected we had accomplished our passage through the Streights. Amen.
   Latitude Observed 10°.07′.55″ South

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