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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Sep 17, 1792

Remarks &c in Providence Streights Monday 17th September 1792

 1 pm: Strong breezes and fair weather with haze – At 00 Hour.25 Minutes brought up with the Small Bower in 7½ fathoms Course ground, and veered to ½ a Cable – Passage Island N59W 6 or 7 miles. Island U from N52W to N62W. Bold head S59W 4 lgsw. Low Point S58W 2 leagues. High Mountain S8E 5 or 6 miles. Eastermost point of R S18E 7 miles, Possession Island S28E 1½ miles. Sandy Key E6N 6 mils. S S65E 3 leagues.

 2 pm: At ½ past 2 sent 2 boats on shore under the Command of Lieutenant Guthrie, and after the usual Ceremony of Drinking the Kings health &c. and firing vollies of Musketry, he took Possession of that Island and the neighbouring Lands about New Guinea & New Holland, in name of our Sovereign King George the 3rd – At 8 in Boats, and veered away to a whole Cable

10 pm: Fresh Gales and cloudy

 4 am: At 4 AM more Moderate hove in to ½ Cable service.

 6 am: At ½ past 6 weighed and hove to under close reefed Topsails

 7 am: 7 Hour.5 Minutes bore away the Brig leading. Found one of the Flukes of the small Bower anchor broke, unbent the cabble. Employed cackling ye Best Bower Cable – Served thick Portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast

 8 am: At 8 Passage Island N25W 5 miles. Extremes U from N32W to N55W. Islands a head N82°W round by West to Possession Island S67E 6½ miles. Black rock S47W, 1 mile. Extremes R S21W 6 miles to S40E. High Mountain S38E – 7 fathoms water, course ground

 9 am: At ¼ past 9 Assistant hauled on a wind to the Northward - hauled up also. At ½ past she bore away. Made ye signal to know how to proceed.

10 am: At ¼ past 10 bore away. At 35 Minutes past anchored with the Best Bower in 10¼ fathoms course bottom. Brought the anchor home – veered to 1, and ⅓ of a cable. Ship not bringing uplet go the sheet anchor and snubbed her. The Best Bower Buoy & rope broke a drift – Sent 2 boats to examine a passage to the West Struck Top Gallant Masts – Bent the small Bower cable to the spare anchor and got it over the side – Bearings at anchor, Extremes of a reef of an Island N14°W distant ½ a mile to N75°W 2 or 3 miles. Chain of reefs and land West round by South to E½N. Point of a reef N64E, 1½ miles on with the 1st reef set and several Islands at the back of it, at various distances
   Latitude Observed 10°.01′:51″ South

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