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Revised Sep 2 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Sep 11, 1792

Remarks &c in Providence Streights 11th September 1792

 1 pm: Fresh breezes and fair weather the Assistant made ye signal for Assistance – Fired several Great Guns and Muskets at about 11 Canoes which came off to attack the Boats these employed Sounding &c. Saw the Indians out of some of their Canoes, swimming, while many others were so much terrified that they remained in the bottom of their Vessels. Several balls were heard to strike their Men of War; and blood was seen very distinctly – They kep aloof and were much surprised at this new mode of fighting – and it was with much [?] we were even reduced to this melancholy alternative of chastising a treacherous nation

 4 pm: At 4 came to with ye small Bower in 10 fathoms water course Coral sand, and veered to ½ a Cable – Found that three men had been wounded by the arrows of the natives; and that the Assistant was the object of their attack; [?] some arrows were found sticking in different parts of the Brig, for this breach of hospitality had commenced when the Assistant's expected a friendly visit – The larger canoes came within hail of us, and endeavoured to persuade us to come on shore, whence they made signs of havng abundance of water & Provisions – they had even the audacity to let fly a few arrows at Providence but the distance was too great to alarm us
 Bearings at anchor O N4°W to S70E about 1½ miles P, the place from which the warriors came, called by me [blank] bore N61E. Turtle Back Island S56W 8 [?] an Island just oepn with west point of O, SWbW 10 or 12 miles – The Cap S86W – The Brothers or rather Twins; N80W 5 leagues – At ½ past 4 PM veered to a whole Cable Down Top Gallant Yards and in Boats – At 11 PM hove in to ½ a cable – At 6 AM Moderate breezes & fine weather out Boats and up Top Gallant Yards – At 9 Hour.30′ weighed Assistant and Boats leading – At 10 saw a high lump of an Island called Q N43W – The Cap S58W.

12 noon: At Noon Moderate and fine weather Q N37W 5 leagues Twins S71W 4 miles. Cap S9W 5 miles. Turtle Back S19E 3 leagues. O SEbE¼E about 6 leagues
   Latitude Observed 9°:43′·42″ South

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