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Revised Sep 2 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Sep 10, 1792

Remarks &c Monday 10th September 1792

 1 pm: Fresh breezes and fari weather out 3rd. reefs – At ½ past 12 made ye signal to prepare to Anchor. At 1 hour 25 minutes the signal to denote Danger, hauled to the wind on the starboard Tack – At 35 minutes the signal to Tack, wore Ship at 45 minutes hove to, the Assistant and Cutter sounding to leeward – At 2:20 Assistant made the signal to follow without Danger, and anchored Bore up the whale boat leading. run along a reef, which we call Dungeness about a mile distance, in 14 & 15 fathoms

 3 pm: At 3 Hour·20′ brought up iwth the small Bower in 17 fathoms hard ground, Sent the boats to leeward to sound. Island O from S87°W to N70°W, 3 miles – Turtle back Isle S77W. P N8°W – Extremes of Dungeness shoal S½W to S58E

 7 pm: At 7 the boats returned – stowed Top Gallant Masts; Bent the Sheet Cable and got the Anchor over the side – In boats, and veered to a whole cable service – Strong breezes and cloudy – At 11 Hour·30 Minutes the Cutter returned having been detained at a Grapnel from the strength of the Tide and wind, hoisted her in and hove to a half cable Service

 4 am: Veered away to a Whole Cable.

 7 am: Served the usual Breakfast – Portable Soup thickened with Bore Cole and Oatmeal for Dinner.

 9 am: Cleaned below – up Top Gallant Masts, and out Boats.

12 noon: Fresh breezes and fair weather weighed – Assistant and Boats leading – Saw several Canoes coming from the Island P and 2 laying near the reef, distant ⅓ of a mile
   Latitude Observed (no Observation taken)

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