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Revised Sep 2 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Sep 1, 1792

Remarks &c towards Timor 1st September 1792

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fair weather – saw Boobies, Noddies the black kind of Gull and a few Flying fish.

 4 pm: Hazy

 6 pm: At ¼ past 6 the Assistant made ye Signal for seeing Breakers &c. Saw the Shoal bearing from SWbW to WSW distant 2 miles – hauled round to the wind on the Starboard Tack – Made ye Assistants Signal to come within hail, hove to – Sounded 94 fathoms no ground

 8 pm: In 1st reefs – Very fine weather and Moon light

12 mid: Made ye Signal and Tacked ship – Caught several Noddies in the course of the night, and many round the Ship

 2 am: Made ye Signal & Tacked

 4 am: Tacked per Signal as before

 6 am: Bore away, the Assistant leading – At ¾ past 6 saw the Shoal from the Mast Head bearing WbN – The usual Breakfast to day

 8 am: At 8 the Shoal WNW 2 or 3 leagues off – not see from the Deck – Saw Porpoises – Cleaned below – At ½ past 8 made the Signal and spoke the Assistant – 9 Breakers seen aloft on the Lee bow, apparently joined to the first reef – ¼ past 10 South part of the Breakers in sight SbW about 4 miles – Tacked per signal and spoke the Assistant

12 noon: At Noon fresh breezes and hazy – Breakers bearing WNW 6 miles, or just in sight from the Mast Head – Served Krout – Brig in company
   Latitude Observed 9°:36′ South

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