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Revised Sep 2 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Aug 30, 1792

Remarks &c towards Timor 30th August 1792

 1 pm: Light breezes and fair weather – Exercised Boat's Crews at Small Arms

 5 pm: Saw several birds of the Gull species with black beaks and wings, and white bellies

 6 pm: Shortened sail and in 1st & 2nd reefs Top Sails. Spoke the Assistant per Signal to that purpose. – Saw some small flashes of Lightning to the Northward

 9 pm: Very clear weather saw something to the Northward like the looming of the Land

11 pm: A great Dew fell this night.

 4 am: Gulls about the ship

 5 am: Light breezes and cloudy weather – At ¾ past 5 saw the Land from the Deck, bearing from NNE½E to SbE½D – Made all sail

 7 am: Saw Boobies and birds of the Gull species

 8 am: Pleasant breezes and fine weather – Served the usual breakfast of thick Gruel – Up all Chests and Bags and washed well fore and aft. Served Sour Krout and Krout in the Pease for Dinner – Many Flying-fish seen; and the water exceedingly smooth. Carpenters employed repairing the Launch

12 noon: At Noon the Land seen in the morning bore from the Deck NE½E 11 or 12 leagues – Land just seen from ye Deck bore NbE – Moderate breezes and fair weather – Moderate and fine weather with haze
   Latitude Observed 10°·05′ South

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