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Revised 2010-07-16

Bond's Providence Logbook Aug 16, 1792

Remarks &c Thursday 16th August 1792

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and cloudy weather all sail set.

 3 pm: Exercised the Boats Crews at Small Arms – Shifted the Jib; bent ye old one. Sailmakers variously employed

 6 pm: Squally in small sails &c – Shortened sail and in 1st & 2nd reefs Top Sails, with which we run all night

 8 pm: Strong breezes and tolerable fine weather

12 mid: Assistant carrying a light and leading the way at the distance of about ½ a mile

 4 am: Moderate and cloudy weather

 6 am: Made all sail

 8 am: Ditto Weather

 9 am: Exercised Boats Crews at Small Arms – Unbent the old Mizen Top Sail to mend & bent a new one – People breakfasted as is customary Served Krout in the Pease to day instead of Borecole. – Memorandum: the usual custom is to serve 3 pounds of Portable Soup every morning in the Gruel, for Breakfast – For Dinners Borecole in the Pease every Pease day, also in the Gruel Soup on Mondays : On Banyan Days Portable Soup is also put in the Bore (5 pounds) and likewise on Mondays as the Bore cole is – This is the first day of leaving off Borecole for Krout
   Latitude Observed 14°:21′ South

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