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Revised Sep 1 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Apr 8, 1792

Remarks &c towards Otaheite 8th April 1792

 1 pm: Fresh Trade and fair weather – Armourer employed working at the Forge

 4 pm: The ship's company individually underwent a strick examination to find out any who had the Venereal Disease.

 7 pm: Fresh breezes and fine weather with haze

 8 pm: A shower of rain

12 mid: Very fine weather with Moon light

 1 am: At 11 AM. The Island of Myteea West about 7 leagues distant
Myteea 1

 5 am: Saw a Tropic, Man of War bird, and some Flying fish
Myteea 2

 9 am: Mustered the ships company in Divisions, and read to them Rules & orders for their future conduct at the South Sea Island, and particularly to prevent disorder & confusion with the Natives of Otaheite. Served Sweet Wort only and at ½ past 10 saw the Island of Myteea bearing West about 9 leagues distant

12 noon: At Noon it bore W¼W 6 leagues distant
   Latitude Observed 17°·55′ South

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