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Revised Sep 1 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Feb 2, 1792

Remarks &c towards New Holland 2nd February 1792

 1 pm: Fresh gales and cloudy weather out 4th reef Fore Top Sail

 3 pm: Out 3rd. reefs Top Sails

 4 pm: More moderate and smoother wate, up Top Gallant Yards and set Staysails

 6 pm: Out reefs & set Fore Top Mast Steering sail – Let water into the ship and pumped it out again.

 8 pm: Squally with light showers – In 1st reef Top Sails.

12 mid: Ditto Weather.

 4 am: Fresh gales and cloudy, set Fore steering sails.

 7 am: Served Burgo and Portable Soup for Breakfast

 8 am: Moderate and cloudy up all chests and cleaned and aired below with fires – Served Krout and Sweet Wort as usual.

12 noon: Spoke with, and found all well on the Assistant – Moderate breezes & cloudy weather
   Latitude Observed 40°·55′ South

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