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Revised Sep 1 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Feb 1, 1792

Remarks &c Wednesday 1st February 1792

 1 pm: Strong gales and cloudy and a long sea from the WSW close reefed Fore & Main Top Sails

 2 pm: Up Foresail and handed Fore Top Sail.

 3 pm: At 3 more moderate set Fore and Fore Top Sails

 4 pm: Saw the same birds as yesterday

 6 pm: Saw some sea Weed and a great number of Porpoises – Handed, and again set the Mizen Top Sail

10 pm: Strong gales and cloudy weather the ship rolling deep and a high and a high [sic] Sea.

 5 am: Saw great numbers of Porpoises & Sheerwaters

 7 am: Thick Gruel & Portable Soup for Breakfast.

 8 am: Cleaned below and aired ship with fires. Out 4th reef Main Top Sail. Saw some Albatrosses & Sea Weed. Served Krout & Sweet Wort as usual.

11 am: Sailmakers employed.

12 noon: Fresh gales and cloudy. Assistant in company.
   Latitude Observed 40°:25′ South

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