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Revised Aug 30 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Dec 29, 1791

Remarks &c towards New Holland Thursday 29 December 1791

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fair weather

 4 pm: Saw an Albatross

 7 pm: Saw a strange sail heading NNE.

10 pm: Light winds & Cloudy a swell from the westward

 4 am: Strange sail NNW. Saw several Albatrosses & and [sic] Sheerwaters. Sat Royals and [head larboard?] studding sails, Unbent and shifted Main Top Sail

 8 am: Washed the Gun, Orlop & Cockpit Decks. Unbent & shifted Fore Sail. Exercised all the Boats crews at Small Arms – Made ye Assistant's signal to come within hail

12 noon: Moderate breezes and fine pleasant weather – Assistant in Company
   Latitude Observed 37°·36′ South

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