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Revised Aug 30 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Dec 10-12, 1791

Remarks &c in Table Bay – Cape Good Hope

Saturday 10 December 1791 – Moderate breezes & fair weather – received on board Stores and water per Launch At 11 light breezes and foggy weather – 8 fair received Mutton &c. and the Mainsail from the Tent. Employed fresh lashing the Booms and other necessary duties – Light breezes and fair weather

Sunday 11th – Moderate breezes and fair weather People employed occasionally – At 8 Hazy 12 Thick Fog – Light breezes and foggy – 7 AM a little hazy – up Lower Yards and Top Gallant Masts, and crossed Top Gallant Yards – Sat up ye Top Mast rigging received Mutton, Bread, Greens, and Wind; also a turn of water by the Launch. Up all Chests & Bags and had a thorough wash fore and aft – Fresh breezes and hazy weather

Monday 12th – Fresh Breezes and hazy at 4 fair weather – 8 Hazy – At 5 AM Light airs and a little hazy. Bent the Fore sail, Topsails and staysails – Received fresh Mutton &c. and water by the Launch. Anchored her a Dutch ship, and French Brigantine, also a French ship. Sailed an English Whaler and ye Atlanta french Frigate for the Isle of France. Moderate breezes and fair weather – Ship's Draught of water Fore: 14 feet:6 inches Abaft 15:6

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