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Revised Aug 30 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Nov 21-24, 1791

Remarks &c

Monday 21 – Light airs and cloudy weather. At 8 Ditto with small rain – At 8 AM. received fresh Mutton, Bread, Greens &c. Employed in the Fore Hold Carpenters and sailmakers variously – received frehs water – Fresh gales and hazy weather.

Tuesday 22nd – Moderate breezes and hazy weather. Employed in the Hold – At 7 fresh gales – Anchored here the Three Brothers an American ship for Boston laden with sugar & Coffee – 4 AM. Light breezes and cloudy – At 8 Moderate and fair. The Carpenters caulking and painting, Sailmakers as before with Cooper & at the Tent repairing ye Assistant's casks also. receiving Mutton &c daily – Moderate breezes and fair.

Wednesday 23rd – Moderate breezes and hazy weather sent on shore the Observatory. Carpenters employed fixing it – people in the fore and main Holds – Anchored here a Dutch Indiaman from Amsterdam At 4 AM. fresh breezes with small rain – received Mutton &c. Employed in the Gun room, Hole, &c – Sailmakers mending ye Assistants sails – Artificers employed occasionally – Fresh breezes with flying showers

Thursday 24th – Moderate breezes and hzy weather received on board 868 pounds rice and 708 pounds of sugar – Cloudy 12 Light breezes and hzy – AM. washed and cleaned ship. received fresh Mutt &c. Artificers employed as before – Stayed the Lower Yards and swayed up Lower yards and Top Gallant Masts – Moderate and fair weather

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