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Revised Aug 30 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Nov 7, 1791

Remarks &c Monday 7th November standing into Table Bay

 1 pm: Moderate weather with haze; overhauled a range of the Bower Cables

 4 pm: Passed round the North point of Table Bay at the distance from the 1st. fort of about 3 or 4 cables length. At 5 shorened sail and brought up in ¼ less 5 fathoms with the best bower

 8 pm: Handed sails and out Pinnace. Veered away and moored whip a cable each way, The best bower to the WSW and The small bower to the small bower [sic] to the ENE – When moored the Sugar Loaf S79°W; Lyon's rump N85°W; North point of the Bay N28°E; Steeple of the town S50°W: rounded the cables, and down Top Gallant Yards. Found in the Bay three Dutch Indiamen, two English Whalers, a French Brig, and a Ship from the Isle of France bound to Europe, of the same nation. AM unbent the sails and unrove the running rigging

 8 am: Saluted the Fort with 13 guns, which was returned with an equal number.

10 am: This morning Captain Bligh desired that myself and Lieutenant Portlock might return to our proper vessels, which was immediately put into execution to the great satisfaction of both parties

12 noon: At noon Moderate and fair weather

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