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Revised Aug 30 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Oct 29, 1791

Remarks &c Saturday 29th October 1791

 1 pm: Moderate and fine weather with a swell from the Southward.

 4 pm: Sailmakers and Caulkers employed as yesterday.

 9 pm: Fresh breezes and fine, cloudy weather

11 pm: The Sea illuminated bgy shining particles. Squally. The sky very dark to the Southward.

12 mid: Moderate and cloudy

 4 am: Fresh breezes and cloudy with frequent squalls; saw a number of Sea fowl.

 8 am: The ship fell off to NEbE tacked and stood to the Southward – Cleaned below and aired with fires. People employed washing and mending their clothes. Shifted the Main Top Gallant sail again. Remeasured the Log Line. Saw several Albatrosses, Sheerwaters, Pintada birds and Carey Chicken

12 noon: Moderate and cloudy with a Southerly swell
   Latitude Observed 27°·45′ South

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