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Revised Aug 30 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Oct 21, 1791

Remarks &c Friday 21st October 1791

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fine weather.

 3 pm: Saw several Sheerwaters.

 7 pm: Down Top Gallant Steering sails

 8 pm: Moderate and cloudy

12 mid: Light airs and fine clear weather

 4 am: Light airs inclinable to calm

 5 am: At 4 tacked and stood to the Southward.

 8 am: Light airs and fine weather clean swept below and aired with fires. Armourer at the Forge, and Carpenters caulking the Gun Deck. Dipped overboard, scrubbed, and bent a new Fore sail.

12 noon: Light breezes and fine weather. Assistant in company.
   Latitude Observed 26°·28′ South

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