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Revised Aug 29 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Sep 22, 1791

Remarks &c 22nd September 1791

 1 pm: Rain.

 2 pm: Clear weather

 3 pm: Very hard rain – the people employed collecting water from the Awnings – filled 3 Puncheons. A swell from the SW

 6 pm: Fresh breezes with rain in 1st reef Top Sails

 8 pm: Cloudy weather.

10 pm: Fresh breezes and squally with constant rain.

12 mid: Frequent squalls in 2nd. reef Top Sails.

 2 am: A fire in the Galley all night.

 4 am: Light breezes and rain.

 5 am: Saw some Flying fish, a Dolphin and several sea birds

 7 am: Cloudy, out 2nd. reef Top Sails. Hoisted our Colours to a vessel with those of the National Assembly of France. Spoke her, and found she was from Havre de Grace bound to Gabon on the Coast of Africa, and had been out 30 days

10 am: Cleaned below, and kept fires in Brodies Stoves

12 noon: Hazy weather under single reef Top Sails and steering sails – Assistant in company
   Latitude Observed: 6°.48′ North.

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