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Revised Aug 29 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Sep 9, 1791

Friday 9th September 1791

 1 pm: Fresh breezes and cloudy weather

 2 pm: In 1st reef Fore & Mizen Top Sails – At 2 Squally, in 2nd reef Fore & Main Sails, handed Top Gallant Sails and down Jibb & staysails. At 3 Moderate and clear out 2nd. reef Top Sails, set jib & Top Gallant Sails – Saw several whales

10 pm: Moderate and clear weather

12 mid: Light airs and hazy.

 3 am: Moderate breezes. Tacked ship. Lightning to the Eastward

 4 am: Tacked ship. Ditto Weather and Cloudy.

 6 am: At 6 saw the Land bearing SSW. At 7¾ NE end of Isle of Sal S¾E – West point SbW distant 6 or 7 Leagues – At 8 East point of Sal S9°E – 2nd Hill S13½°W & West point S17½°W.

11 am: Employed making Points &c. Washed & cleaned the ship fore and aft – Sailmakers and Carpenters employed professionally for the ship.

12 noon: At Noon, North Mountain bore S86°E the NW Mountain S85°E. Center Mountain S75°E and the West Mountain S35E. Saw a square rigged vessel at anchor in the road S58°E – Extremes of the Island from S82E to S86E – distance off the land 2 leagues – Fresh breezes and hazy the Assistant in company
   Latitude Observed:16°:15′ North

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