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Revised Aug 29 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Aug 28, 1791

Sunday 28 August 1791

 1 pm: Light breezes and hazy weather

 3 pm: East end of Teneriffe SWbW½W

 5 pm: Little wind and under the Land – obliged to stand out to sea for the night – 34 Minutes past 6 the town of Sancta Cruz bore West 5 Miles, and the East point of the road NE 2 Miles – the Pic [WS?]

 9 pm: Shortened sail and made the ship [easy?] for the night

10 pm: Fresh gales and hazy weather

12 mid: Moderate breezes and hazy – Tacked Ship & sat Top Gallant Sails

 4 am: Fresh breezes and hazy, saw the East point of the road bearing NNW distant 2 leagues.

 6 am: Light airs off the land and calm at times – a prodigious hot wind, off from the shore

 9 am: ½ past 9 came to an anchor with the small Bower in 35 fathoms water – moored with the best Bower in 47 fathoms NbE & SbW a cable each way. East point of the road EbN – the West point SW½W – the Garrison SWbW and the blue Steeple of the tower West. Employed clearing the Decks &c – Sent the Pinnace on shore with the 2nd Lieutenant to wait on the Governor.

12 noon: Calm and fair weather. Assistant in Company.

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