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Revised Aug 29 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Aug 26, 1791

Friday 26 August 1791

 1 pm: Light breezes and hazy – a strange sail in sight

 4 pm: Light Airs

 9 pm: At 9 spoke the ship Redbridge J. Kelly Master, 16 days from Southampton, on the southern fishery, (she was 4° wrong in the Longitude from Cape Finester)

12 mid: Moderate & hazy, shortened sail for the Assistant

 3 am: Light Airs and Calms

 5 am: Very hazy weather – sat studding sails

 7 am: Sent the Surgeon on board the Redbridge by request of the Master of her, to examine into the case of his own Disorder.

10 am: Employed cleaning the ship and working up Junk – also fixing the Quarter Deck Awnings – Exercised Great Guns & small arms.

12 noon: Light breezes and thick hazy weather – all sail sat
 Assistant in Company
   Latitude Observed: 30°:14′ North

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