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Revised Aug 28 2021

Providence Logbook Jul 9, 1793

Remarks Tuesday 9th July 1793 Towards England

 1 pm: Moderate and fine Weather

 2 pm: Exercised Great Guns and Small Arms

 4 pm: Cloudy

 5 pm: Worked the Pumps as usual.

10 pm: Lightning in the NE.

 1 am: Squally with Lightning and hard Rain. In Steering Sails

 6 am: Moderate and fair Weather. Set Steering Sails

 8 am: Squally with Rain. Shortned and made Sail occasionally

 9 am: Dried wet Cloaths. Cleaned Ship and Aired with Fires.

10 am: Some Flying Fish and Gulph Weed seen.

12 noon: Unsettled Weather. Swell from the Westward.
 Assistant and Ships as before.

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