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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Jun 4, 1793

Remarks Tuesday 4th June 1793 Towards Bluefields

 1 pm: Fresh Gales and Hazy.

 5 pm: Pedro Bluff North 4 or 5 Miles. In Studding Sails

 7 pm: Hauled on a Wind for the Night. Soundings 20 fathoms

 9 pm: Fair Weather with Lightning in the NW.

12 mid: Heavy Squalls with light Showers of Rain

 1 am: In 3d Reefs

 6 am: Bore away. Black River NEbN off shore 9 Miles. Bluefields N½E

 8 am: Bluefields N½E off Shore 3 or 4 Miles

10 am: At 10½ hour Anchored in 5¼ fathoms. The Tavern NEbE Distant 2 Miles. Hoisted out the Boats and sent them to examine the Bottom.

12 noon: Fair Weather and Hazy.

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