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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Dec 27, 1792

Remarks Thursday 27th December 1792 Towards [St. Vincents]

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes and Fair Weather. Received 4 Live Bullocks and a quantity of Hay.

 2 pm: Discharged John Burden Seaman Unserviceable into His Majesty's Ship Atalanta to be taken home.

 4 pm: Unmoored Ship and hove in to ⅓ of a Cable. Sailed the Genoese.

 8 pm: Rain in the Mountains.

11 pm: Weighed under Singles Reefs. The Battery on Ladder Hill Saluted us with 13 Guns. Returned the same number.

 1 am: Bore away, James's Valley SSE 2 Miles, Set all Sails.

 2 am: Found Thomas Mathers had run from the Ship. He was Gunners Mate, a Stout able Man, and is supposed to have been enticed away by the Towns People.

 5 am: The Extremes of St. Helena SbE to SE½S 9 Leagues.

 6 am: Saw many Flying Fish and a St. Helena Pidgeon.

 8 am: Light flying Showers and Cloudy Weather.

 9 am: Unbent the Cables. Cleaned Ship and Aired with Fires. Killed a Bullock and sent Fresh Meat to the Assistant. Punished John Letby and John Curry with 8 lashes for insolence & disobeying orders

12 noon: Cloudy Weather with bright intervals. All Studding Sails set.
   Assistant in Company.

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