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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Dec 18, 1792

Remarks at St. Helena

1792 December

Tuesday 18th Moderate Winds and fine Weather. About 10 PM Sailed the French Ship.

Warped ¾ of a Cables length farther in shore and came to in 13 fathoms with the Small Bower Mud Sandy Bottom, moored with a half Cable on the Best Bower in 19 fathoms the Anchors lying in the line of the shore and an open Hawse to the Gusts of Wind which come down the Valley. When moored James's Church Steeple S12E Distant about ¾ Mile and ½ Mile from the shore. The Flag Staff S16°E, Sugar Loaf Point N66°E and the NW Point S60W. Ships draught of Water Forward 14..6, Aft 15..6, 1..0.


Unbent the Old Mizen Top Sail and sent it on Shore for a Tent. Unbent the Main Topsail and bent the Old one. Sent Casks on Shore and Cooper to repair them with a Party to clean wash them and fill Water.

I ordered a Party to be on Shore every Morning at dawn of day to gather Water Cresses, and wild Celery, and one Man of each Mess to be permitted to attend to fishing as they were supplied by me just before we arrived with Hooks & Lines for that purpose. I also directed that the Water made use of for the Plants, was to be brought at the time it was wanted from the Shore, and not to remain longer in the Cask.

At Noon after I anchored an Officer was sent from the Governor to welcome us to the Island. I landed at One OClock, was received by the Governor and saluted with 13 Guns.

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