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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Dec 17, 1792

Remarks Monday 17th December 1792 [Towards] St. Helena

 1 pm: Light Breezes and Cloudy Weather.

 5 pm: At ¾ past 5 Saw St. Helena W½S distant 9 Leagues made the Signal to the Assistant.

 6 pm: Light Airs and Cloudy Weather.

 4 am: At day light St. Helena West 3 Leagues.

 5 am: Hoisted out Launch and all Boats and sent the 2 Lieutenant on Shore to wait on the Governor.

 8 am: The extremes of the Island S21°W to West, off shore about 4 Miles.

 9 am: At 9 hour..30′ abreast of the 4th. Battery when we were saluted from Ladder Hill with 15 Guns, returned an equal number.

10 am: At 10 hour..30′ Anchored in 13 fathoms Water. James's Church Tower and Flag Staff in our SbW ½ Mile from the Shore. Sugar Loaf Point N69°E. NW point S64°W. Found lying here an English Whaler called the British Tar and a French Merchantman.
   Assistant in Company.
The Columns give the Longitude of the Anchoring Place to which apply 23″, gives the Longitude of James's Church as on the Day following.

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