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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Dec 2, 1792

Remarks Sunday 2nd December 1792 Towards [Cape of Good Hope]

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes and fine Weather with Smooth Water.

 2 pm: Sent the Boat for Lieut. Portlock. He reported his little Vessel to be in a good state and People Healthy, altho some of them had suffered by a Flux they had caught from the improper use of Arrack at Timor.

 5 pm: Served Slops and Tobacco.

 6 pm: Let fresh Water into the Ship and Ventilated with the Pumps

10 pm: In Steering Sails and 1st. Reefs the Wind heading.

 2 am: Passed through strong riplings.

 6 am: Served thick Portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast Portable Soup in the Pease for Dinner. Krout as usual.

 9 am: Mustered the Ships Company clean Dressed and Performed Divine Service. Read the Articles of War.

10 am: Albetrosses, Pintada Birds, Mother Careys Chicken and some Whale.

12 noon: Strong Gales and Cloudy. Head Sea. In 2nd Reefs and Down Top Gallant Yards.
   Assistant in Company.

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