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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Dec 1, 1792

Remarks Saturday 1st December 1792 [Towards] Cape of Good Hope

 1 pm: Fresh Gale and fine Weather. Up Top Gallant Yards.

 2 pm: Out 2d Reefs. Head Sea.

 3 pm: Saw a Cape Hen. Some Albetrosses, Pintada Birds and Sheerwaters.

 5 pm: Worked the Pumps as usual.

 7 pm: Felt a Strong smell of Rock Weed, our People who have been on the Whale Fishery said it was from some Whales near us.

12 mid: Calm and fair Weather.

 4 am: A Dew.

 6 am: Saw a Shark. Some Guard Fish and many Blubbers.

 7 am: Fine Weather. Hot Breakfast as usual and extra allowances.

 9 am: Employed filling Salt Water and mending Top Gallant Sails. Carpenters painting. Sounded with 248 fathoms line but got no bottom.

12 noon: Fine Weather and a Breeze Springing up.
   Assistant in Company.

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