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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Nov 7, 1792

Remarks Wednesday 7th November 1792

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes and Fair Weather. Sold the Effects of Thomas Lickman, Marine.

 2 pm: Tropic Birds and Sheerwaters.

 4 pm: Sailmakers repairing the Old Jibb and Carpenters Caulking

 6 pm: Cloudy Weather inclineable to Rain. Worked the Pumps as usual.

 8 pm: Moderate and Cloudy. In 1st. Reefs and set Fore Top Mast Steering Sail.

12 mid: Star light and fine Night.

 4 am: Cloudy Weather. Set lower Top Mast and Top Gallant Steering Sails.
Scrubbed Hammocks.

 8 am: Moderate and Fair Weather. Served thick Portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast. Portable Soup in the Pease for Dinner.

 9 am: Cleaned and Aired with Fires. Cleaned the Boatswain's Store Room and Aired it with Fire. Exercised Great Guns & Small Arms.

12 noon: Fresh Breezes and Fair Weather. Broached a Puncheon of Spruce Beer for the People.
  Assistant in Company and out Sails us.
  Mauritius lies in 20°..10′S 57°..29′ East.


That I might be able to discover, if after passing the Tropic I lost more Breadfruit Plants than in a hotter climate, I had an account taken of them yesterday as follows.

725 Pots and Tubs containing fine healthy Plants.
 10 Ditto & Ditto Sickly Plants
735 Total Stands. These not including the 10 Sickly Plants, hold 936.

Most of the Extra Plants taken up at Otaheite are doing equally well. There remains in a most perfect state-

24 Pots of Rattahs
34 Do. of Ayyahs
23 Do. of Avees
6 Do. of Ettow
6 Do. of Mattee
7 Do. of Orraiahs
2 Do. of Vai,eehs
7 Do. of Peeahs
108 Total

On leaving Otaheite our Vessels containing Bread Fruit Plants were 1151 so that 416 have totaly lost the Plants.

We have lost also-
1 Pot of Rattahs
3 Do. of Ayyahs
2 Do. of Avees
3 Do. of Oraiahs

It appears there was a mistake in estimating the number of Plants on leaving Otaheite, for according to our account at this time in the proportion of 946 remaining, there could not have been more than 1650 Plants in the 1151 Stands.
 From Otaheite to Timor our loss has been 224 Pots of Breadfruit
 From Timor to this Day        192 Ditto of Ditto

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