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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Nov 6, 1792

Remarks Tuesday 6th November 1792

 1 pm: Fresh Gale and fair Weather. Greased the Masts and Top Sail Sheets

 2 pm: Saw an Albetross

 3 pm: At ½ past 4 Died Thomas Lickman of the Marines. This poor Man by catching cold and an improper use of Arrack which he procured at Timor, a Diarrhoea seized him. It was the 21st October before he complained, since which time the Flux has continued to his death. He was a poor worn out Creature from hard drinking before he embarked, and being employed in the Ward Room untill lately, his access to liquor made him much worse. The Colds caught in the Climate of Timor have been very troublesome, so that a few of my People are not yet quite recovered.
Sick list to day consists of 10 Convalescents.

12 mid: Cloudy Weather

 4 am: Out Reefs and set all Steering Sails.

 6 am: Saw Mother Careys Chicken, Tropic Birds, An Albetross and Sheerwaters. Some Fish.

 8 am: Served Hot Breakfast as usual Sour Krout with Beef and Pudding for Dinner.

 9 am: Buried Thomas Lickman. Washed below and Aired all parts with Fires. Got the Pumps up and cleaned the Well, found it perfectly sweet. Exercised Great Guns and Small Arms.

12 noon: Fair Weather and Cloudy.
   Assistant in Company.

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