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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Oct 30, 1792

Remarks Tuesday 30th October 1792

 1 pm: Very Strong Breezes and fair Weather. Employed making Points.
Sailmakers mending the Best Top Gallant Sails.

 5 pm: Let fresh Water into the Ship and worked the Pumps as usual
In 1st. Reefs and set the Studding Sails again.

 8 pm: Moderate Breezes and fine Weather

10 pm: Moon Full.

 4 am: Cloudy.

 5 am: Out 1st. Reefs and set Top Gallant Studding Sails.

 6 am: Saw a Tropic Bird.

 7 am: Cleaned below and Aired with Fires.

 8 am: Exercised Great Guns. Served Hot Breakfast as usual. Broached a Puncheon of Spruce Beer for the Ships Company

12 noon: Fresh Breezes and fine Weather
   Assistant in Company.

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