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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Oct 27, 1792

Remarks Saturday 27th October 1792

 1 pm: Fresh Gales and fair Weather. Sailmakers employed about the 2nd best Fore Sail.

 5 pm: Let fresh Water into the Ship and Worked the Pumps

 8 pm: In Top Gallant Sails and Fore Topmast Steering Sail.

 5 am: Set lower and Fore Topmast Steering Sails.

 6 am: Tropic Birds and Sheerwaters, Mother Careys Chicken & Flying Fish.

 8 am: Served Hot Breakfast as Yesterday. Krout as usual.

10 am: Cleaned and Aired with Fires. People Employed washing & mending Clothes.

12 noon: Fresh Gales and Hazy. Assistant in Company but we are obliged to spare her Sail.

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