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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Jul 17, 1792

Remarks Tuesday 17th July 1792 Matavai Bay

Light Airs from the Sea and Calms with dark heavy Clouds in the offin[g]. Thermometer from 75 to 79 Degrees.

By day light we had a number of Cannoes round us, and by Noon a hundered of them, which with necessary duties kept us in confusion in Unmooring Ship. The light Winds we had, and those from the Sea prevented me from getting out, I therefore steadied the Ship with a Stream Anchor after Warping further out into the Bay. Point Venus N35°E West Head of Tarra S26°W The River S80°E Ship in 13 fathoms Moreah from S64°W to S87W.

I thought I had nearly done with making presents, but I had a greater throng to day than Yesterday. Most of the lower order of People, begging for something to remember me, and I rewarded them all for their good behaviour. All the Otoo Family except the King were with me, but I kept back most of what I intended for them, politically.

I regretted much not being able to get to Sea, our time however was well employed in many essential things respecting the Plants. I wrote letters of my proceedings to my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to be taken home by the first Ships, and I wrote to Weatherheads People threatening punishment to them as Deserters, if they did not join in the interest of the Otoo family. At Night as usual Tynah with his Wives Slept on board.

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