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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Jul 16, 1792

Remarks Monday 16th July 1792 Matavai Bay

Pots Tubs &c 
Total Yesterday 937
To Day  344
Total Stands  1281

to 2958
Bread Fruit and
other Plants &
36 Curiosity Plants

Calms and Light Variable Winds with some heavy Rain. Much Swell in the Bay. Thermometer 76 to 80 Degrees.

Employed bringing the remainder of the Plants on board and various duties in completing for Sea, which kept us at Work the whole day without intermission.

No Strangers about us but the Ulieteah Cannoe People, the principal Man I made a handsome present to. To Old Otow likewise I paid my last Gift, and made it so truly Valuable, that the poor Old Man could not refrain from shedding tears of gratitude. To the People in general who belonged to Oparre I also gave what was valuable to them, and in doing this with my attendance to give directions and see the Plants properly stowed, I suffered a vast deal of fatigue. By Night the Ship was truly well fitted and stowed. Besides the Cabbin I appropriated the Quarter Deck abaft the Mizen Mast and other places to the use of the Plants, which enabled me to take 756 Plants more than could be expected – a Vast advantage.

Before Sun Down I embarked my Party amidst a concourse of People, who regretted our leaving them, particularly Otoo, who poor Boy cryed a great deal, and would not quit hold of my hand untill I promised to see him in the morning, which I intended to do to make him my last present. We saluted him with three Cheers, and they returned us the compliment with great order. Tynah and his Wives with Oreepyah returned to the Ship for the Night. Brought on board the Whale Boat in good order.

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