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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Jul 12, 1792

Remarks Thursday 12th July 1792 Matavai Bay

Fresh Breezes at East during the day and Cloudy Weather. Calm in the Mornings and Land Winds at SSE at Night. Thermometer from 75 to 79 Degrees.

Employed Completing the Holds, stowing away Wood. Bent all the Sails Carpenters about the Boats.

Plentifull Supplies altho but few Natives about the Ship. The Sails being bent has given a general alarm of my determination to go to Sea.

At Day break the Sacrifice which I have spoken of on the 19th June, was removed to a Double Cannoe which was likewise a part of the offering of attonement by the Chief, Oho,doo, of Wa,ennah. He was himself in the Cannoe with 18 Men. The Dead Body wrapt up as it had been brought from the place of execution, was laid across the fore part of the Cannoe, and by it were tied eight fine live Hogs. Near the Body were eight or ten long Rods connected by tyings. Each Rod had short cross peices about 8 inches long neatly tyed in form of a Cross. About these and the Tops of the Rods a few red feathers were fastened, and the whole is called Mannooteeah, a Temple belonging to their God; to which they likewise gave the common name, Morai. It is always used on these occasions., the Cannoe was hung round with Coarse White Cloth, and proceeded towards Oparre with two Drums beating in the common way.

At 8 O'Clock I set off from the Ship accompanied by Tynah, Otow, Iddeeah and Wyerreddee. The progress of the Cannoe was so slow, we got to Oparre before them, where we found few People; but before the Ceremony ended there were about six hundred. Otoo received us on landing.

As soon as the Cannoe arrived, Hammennee,mannee, the Priest, conducted us to the Morai called Tebboo,taboo,atai,ah. (I find this Word is given to the Morai or Temple of Worship wherever the Etuah is brought—it means the Temple of their Great God. At present it is at the enterance of Oparre Harbour.) At this place he began a Prayer, and they all joined in invoking different Deities, which terminated with violent shouts calling on their Great God. At this instant the large bundle wrapt up in Red Cloth like an Egyptian Mummy as I have already described, was brought in on a Mans Shoulders, and the Cannoe with the Sacrifice was hauled in on the beach a few Yards from the Morai, Otoo sitting the whole time on a Man's Shoulders. The Priest now quitted the Morai and seated himself at the Sacrifice, and Otoo sat opposite to him, two Drums beat an odd kind of tune, and during this the Priest pronounced another prayer or supplication to the Erreerahigh. In this interval they brought three Red Feathers of the breast of a Bird twisted in Cocoa Nutt fibres and presented them to Otoo, and likewise the Rods called Mannooteah, that I have just explained. This Ceremony lasted a quarter of an hour, when the Sacrifice was brought out on a Pole and laid on the Ground before Otoo with the Head towards him, Drums beating the whole time. The outer Basket the Body was packed up in was now taken off, and the Head exposed. Hammennee,mannee the Priest began a supplication in favor of O,ho,doo and his People, but no reply was at any time made by the King. This Supplicatory Prayer being over, a Grey headed old fellow, (who I supposed had officiated in this office to many an unfortunate Wretch,) took up a large splinter of wood, and forcing it into the Socket of each Eye, took out a Mass of corruption which he put on two leaves. The Priest began another Prayer, in the course of which one of the leaves was put down on the Stones of the Morai, and the Operator standing before Otoo with the other in his hand, the Priest ordered him to present it to the King, he received it within four Inches of his Mouth, and at the sentence, Hammama,my, Gaped. The leaf with what they called the Eye was then put by the other and no care taken of them. All this time their Etuah wrapt up in a piece of Scarlet Cloth was kept on a Man's Shoulders as well as the King, but they now retired to a small pavement or Morai which is called Tep,pah; here the Etuah and King was put to the Ground, and the Marro being spread out, the King was invested with it, and had it put round him in the manner the common Marro's are worn round the Hips. During this ceremony there was a pretty chant from the Priests. I had agreed to fire three Vollies upon the occasion, and Tynah told me that I was to fire upon Shouts given by his whole People, Maivah Erree, accordingly; as soon as the boy was invested they shouted Maivah Erree (or long live the King, this is our acknowledged King) in a most peircing manner to the Ear, three & four times, I then ordered a Volley to be fired from the Boat, and with their Shouts it was repeated three times. The Boy was now taken on a Man's Shoulders as before, and with the Etuah were carried back to the great Temple Tebbataboo,aitai,ah where another Prayer and Chorus was performed. He was then dismantled, and the Marro with the Etuah was taken away by the Priests. In this interval the Body was left unprotected, and we saw the Dogs devouring the remains of the putrid Carcass which I found was owing to the offering being an atonement to the Erree and not a particular Sacrifice to the Etuah. The Hogs likewise were neglected in the peace offering, for they were all made a better use of in giving them to us. I dont think there is any immorality in my Idea. Here the whole busyness ended, and noise and feasting ensued which I left to themselves and returned on board.

The Marro since I last saw it was ornamented with some of the Peoples Hair belonging to the Bounty, an ostentatious mark of their connection with the English, and not of respect to the Person it belonged to. It was of a pretty auburn colour, and they told me it was the hair of Skinner who was Barber to the Ship's Company.

All Men sacrificed to the Etuah are put into the Earth adjoining to the Great Temple or place of Worship; but those who are sacrificed as an atonement to the King are buried under Coral Rocks where the Water has access to them, or left to be devoured by the Dogs. The Water burying Ground lies adjoining to the Morai Woowrooah at the entrance of the Harbour.

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