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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Jun 19, 1792

Remarks Tuesday 19th June 1792 Matavai Bay

Light Easterly Winds and Variable with Calms. The Nights and Mornings finely serene and clear. Thermometer from 75 to 80 Degrees.

Sufficient supplies. Employed at the Forge, Cutting Wood, Sailmakers making covers for the Green Houses on the Quarter Deck, Carpenters painting the Ship Sides and cutting Scuttles in the Cabin Ports to give Air to the Plants when the Ports cannot be opened. Washed and Cleaned Ship.

A tolerable sized Chest was shewn to me to day made in our manner by an Otaheitean. It was really a curiosity, the hinges were made of Wood, the sides duftailed [dovetailed] and put together perfectly square, and the lock with a bolt all of Wood, was made like ours with a Key of a Piece of Iron. The whole showed so much ingenuity, that I made a present to the Man as a reward, and he bartered his Chest away in exchange for an English one to one of the Gardeners.

I was sorry to hear again of a human Sacrifice. Iddeeah informed me that the Chiefs of +Wa,ennah (+ called Ohaaine in Captain Cooks Map) had sent one to Otoo. I found it wrapt up in a platted Cocoa Nutt branch and Slung to a Pole as usual. It stunk very much, and on that account was hung up among the Bushes a part from any dwelling. The late disturbance and War between Matavai and Oparre People was the cause of this Sacrifice—the People of Wa,ennah took part with Matavai, and the offence was not to be forgiven but by this melancholy claim., The absence of Otoo prevents any thing being done untill his return, when the Eye will be presented, and the Etuah supplicated to continue the friendship between the two Districts.

I am now perfectly satisfied that Human Sacrifices are common and very frequent. If a Chief or Powerfull Man seriously offends the Erreerahigh he is obliged to obtain forgiveness by this means. It is not to be refused, so sacred is it as a pledge of faith and good will. It is evidently not confined to making Peace or declaring War, or supplicating the Etuah on an emergency, or any general calamity.

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