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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook May 8, 1792

Remarks Tuesday 8th May 1792 In Matavai Bay

Fair Weather with Land and Sea Breezes at SE & EbN Thermometer from 81 to 84 Degrees.

Employed the Carpenters making Extra Places for the Plants, and at Work on the Launch. Some hands going on with the Rigging.

Sufficient supplies of all Articles common at this Place.

Early in the Morning I had a Visit from Toeepoee, the Wife of Poho,aitaiah Otee, a Chief of Itteeah. He was a fine active young Man and highly respected: I have mentioned him in my last Voyage as a Person who was fed in the same manner as Tynah. Nothing can exceed the vehemence with which his Wife expressed herself against Captain Vancouvers Ship, "it was there he caught his illness as did many others." I endeavoured to do away the belief she had of the disease originating with the Discover, but it was to no effect, she continued firm in her opinion. She described the disease as every person has done before, to be a flux and some Vomitting. I made her up a Present of every article I had.

Tynah was called away suddenly this morning to Oparre without my knowledge. On his return he told me he had been to Pooray (to pray), for he had ordered a Man at Tiarraboo to be sacrificed and sent here to be presented to the Etuah. About 12 OClock, Iddeeah who was on board, showed me a Cannoe going past the Ship with a human sacrifice from Wannah a Chief of Happy,ano, this was not offered to the Etuah, but to Otoo the Erreerahigh. I was unwell all this day and did not dare go to Oparre where I must be exposed to the Sun, from the accounts however, it was of no consequence, as I should not have seen any thing more than I have remarked on the 28th April.

These Sacrifices are truly shocking and Savage, and I am sorry to say I find they are made not only on solemn occasions, but on the most trifling differences between great & inferior Chiefs, & upon the Erreerahigh's sudden whim or desire of praying to his Etuah.

The Cause of the Sacrifice from Wannah was owing to his not having assisted Whydooah, his Brother Chief, in getting the Arms from Tabyroo; but the Means of their being carried off. This gave great displeasure to Tynah & Otoo. Wannah sollicited forgiveness & permition to live on the footing he had done before with them, but they refused untill after many concessions, they agreed to take him into favor again on his presenting a Sacrifice to the Erreerahigh. Upon any of these occasions it is sufficient for the dead body to be sent to the Erreerahigh, wrapt up in a platted Cocoa Nutt Branch fastened to a Pole to carry it by. The body to day was in a Cannoe with only one man to conduct it.

I cannot arrive at the Cause, to my satisfaction, of the sacrifice from Tiarraboo, all that I can make of it, is solely an Act of devotion.

In my last Voyage I have given a particular account of the Principal Families of this Island. From a connection in the female line, the present Otows Grandmother being a Sister to the then King of Tiarraboo, his grand child (Tynahs 2nd Son Terreetapanooai) is now become Erree of that place, the Heirs of Whaeeah,tuah in the male line being extinct. The late Whaeeah,tuah whose Wife (Why,erreddee) Tynah is now connected with, died without any Children, and on his death (since my last Voyage) Terreetapanooai Tynahs second Son was sent to Tiarraboo to be elected, or more properly, acknowledged Erree of that part of the Island.

The Tiarraboo People always insisted that Whaeeah,tuah was Erreerahigh of that Country, & Otoo Erreerahigh of the Western part of the Island, but all the Otoo family & connections, say there is only one Erreerahigh. Their power however has not marked any superiority over the Tiarraboo People since our time, and the present Terreetapanooai, has taken the Name of Whaeeahtuah. We may date the birth of this Boy in the Year 1787 and his being acknowledged as Erree in 1790.

It is a remarkable thing, that Otow and Oberreeroah with all their Sons should be perfectly free of the Evil or any Scrofulous disease, & that their Daughters should be infected with it. Tynah and Iddeeah also perfectly free, with every appearance of the most healthy people, have their only Daughter Tahamydooah infected with it about the glands of the Throat. But in Iddeeahs Children there is an exception of the disease following the female line, for her last Child Oroho (a boy of 18 Months old) has the disease broke out in his Groin. May this be owing to Iddeeah having intercourse with too many different Men? I am of opinion, from the great number of different Men who cohabit with one Woman in this Country, originates the Venereal disease which it is infected with in a dreadfull degree.

I find that Otoo is betrothed to his Cousin Tarro,aheinee a Child of His Aunt Wowwo born since 1789, so that as I have observed before, first Cousins marry. This is a very fine little Girl about 12 Months old, and is to all appearance free of any disease, altho its Mother is Scrofulous in a high degree. The father Moduarro Chief of Moreah when I was here in the Bounty, is dead, & his Son Tettoo,anooee elected in his stead. Mahow who I have mentioned on the 4th last, has only an honorary title on account of the great esteem that Moduarro had for him. I imagine Tettooanooee is about 4 Years Old.

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