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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Apr 25, 1792

Remarks Wednesday 25 April 1792 In Matavai Bay

Yesterday 912
Total 983

Fair Weather the Morning, but the latter part of the Day Cloudy with Rain in the Mountains and a sprinkling below. Wind East and Southeasterly. Thermometer 81 to 83½ Degrees.

Employed in the Hold and Caulking Ship. Plentifull Supplies. Received one Load of Ballast about 2 Tons.

Our Friends here have some weighty deliberations in their hands which I cannot yet account for. The Cause of Otoo having removed to Matavai is on some busyness respecting the late War. Some concessions are made by the Matavai Party. The Temple of Oro their God, which is always kept near the residence of the Erreerahigh, was brought up in a Cannoe with him, it is to remain here untill to morrow, when after a meeting of the Parties, Otoo returns with it to Oparre, but all the other Chiefs remain here. To morrow Morning I am to have a sight of it, and to hear prayers performed by Tootaha the Priest. This Man is a great Orator among them, and highly respected for his abilities, as well as being a Chief of consequence. He has always been the Prime Minister of Tynah, is their Oracle, and Historian of this Country, and possesses a great fund of humour. He is now called Hammene,manne, but was spoken of in my last Voyage by the Name of Tootaha. He is remarkable for speaking English, and could he write is capable of forming a Vocabulary of near a thousand English Words.

I have mentioned the Death of Teppahoo the Chief of Tettaha, and now find he is succeeded by Teppahoo (the Youngest Brother of Tynah) his Nephew by Marriage with Terranoo, the Sister of Oberreroah who is (a) his Mother.

(a) Teppahoo's

We filled 71 Pots to Day and the whole are doing exceedingly well as far as we can judge.

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