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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Apr 24, 1792

Remarks Tuesday 24th April 1792 Matavai Bay

Yesterday 817
Total 912

Fine Weather Sea Breezes at EbS and Land Breezes at SbE & SE. Thermometer 81 to 83½ Degrees.

Employed Caulking the Starboard side. Got the Spare Anchor up out of the Main Hold, and put the Guardian's Anchor down in its place. Got the Coals up in the Wake of the Hatchway, and got on board two load of Ballast about 4 Tons. It is a difficult thing to be got here, as the Stones lye at the wash of the Beach w[h]ere is, at most times, a very great Surf. Plentifull supplies of Cocoa Nutts, Breadfruit, Plantains & Hogs.

This Day we Potted 95 Plants.

The Erreerahigh, Otoo, changed his residence to Day from Oparre to this Place, this is a pleasant circumstance as I have now all the Chief People about us. Otow lives on Point Venus. Tynah and Otoo about 500 Yards within the Point, and Oreepyah on the Beach towards Tarrah. In this manner they prevent a number of worthless fellows lurking about the Post and committing Thefts.

The quantity of old Cloaths that has been left among these People is considerable. Any article of Dress they set the highest Value on. They wear such rags and dirty things as are truly disgusting, and deform themselves in a very great degree. It is a rare thing to see a person dressed with a neat piece of Cloath, which formerly they had in abundance and wore with much ellegance. Their general habiliments are now a Dirty Shirt, an Old Coat, Jacket or an Old Wais[t]coat, so that they are no longer the clean Otaheiteans, but in appearance a set of Raggamuffins with whom it is necessary to have a great caution in any intercourse with them.

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