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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Apr 22, 1792

Remarks Sunday 22nd April 1792 In Matavai Bay

Yesterday 571
Total 737

Moderate Sea Breezes at ESE and Land Winds at SSE in the Night, Calm in the Morning and hot untill the Sea Breezes set in about 10 OClock. Thermometer from 79 to 81 Degrees. Completed 166 Pots with Plants.

Cleaned Ship and Mustered the Ships Company. Performed Divine Service. Gave leave to Six Men at a time to go on Shore. I find the Venereal disease is still common, one of our Men at the Post having Complained of being infected.

Very few Natives about us, but we have very sufficient Supplies. Some Shaddocks were sent to me, they were very large, and of a fine sort, but not sufficiently ripe. They were brought about 4 Miles out of the Country near Peahroah, where Mr. Nelson Planted three Trees, that are now loaded with Fruit. the Natives do not value them.

Mr. Portlock picked up a lump of lava to day near the Post which had every mark of being thrown up from a Vulcano. I made several enquiries among the Chiefs about it, who assured me it came out of one their Ovens, where, by the heat of the Fire the Stones frequently take that change. Sir. William Hamilton says that the materials of Lava are common matters to be found ever where in the Earth (Viz) Stones, metallic ores, Clay, Sand &c. and that the hottest furnaces would not by any means be able to bring them into any degree of fusion, since the materials of Glass cannot be melted without a great quantity of fusible Salts, such as alkalies, nitre &c mixed along with them. I found it would attract the Magnetic Needle.

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