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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Apr 21, 1792

Remarks Saturday 21st April 1792 in Matavai Bay

Yesterday 375
Total 571

Strong Sea Breezes in the Day at ESE and much Swell on Dolphin Bank. During the Night Light Winds off the Land from the SSE. Thermometer 80 to 81 Degrees.

Number of Plants Potted 196. I mean so many Potts were filled, many of which had two Plants in them.

Employed Caulking the Starboard Side, Cleaning Ship, and Mending Cloaths. Very few Canoes off to us, but we have nevertheless sufficient supplies.

Tynah, as usual, is generally on board with me. No Strangers have been yet to see us, and we are remarkably quiet and free from bustle, both here and at the post. Our Plants are taken up very advantageously, from the Soil being Moist and adhering to the fine fibrous Roots, and I have every thing going on as I could possibly wish.