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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Mar 31, 1792

Remarks Saturday 31st March 1792 Towards Otaheite

 1 pm: Moderate and Cloudy Weather. Sent the Small Cutter on board the Assistant for Lieut. Portlock to dine with me

 3 pm: Saw two Tropic Birds and three others which I could not determine w[h]ether they were Oceanic, or Sea Shore Birds. — N B The Tropic Birds had red feathers in the Tail

 5 pm: Exercised Small Arms and Marines Fired –
   Painted the Launch —

 6 pm: Lieut. Portlock returned on Board. I received a a [sic] very happy account from him of the good health and conduct of his people.—

10 pm: Squally Weather in 2 Reefs

 2 am: Thick Rainy Weather

 8 am: Dark Cloudy Weather. Breakfast &c &c as Yesterday
Cleaned below and Aired with Fires – People mending their Cloaths – Punished James Davis with 12 Lashes for disobeydiance and insolence to his Serjeant—

12 noon: Wind shifted suddently & Weather Cleared. Out Reefs
   Assistant in Company.
 Broached a puncheon of Spruce Beer for the Ship's Company —

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